In the autumn of 2013, Achilles Anagnostopoulos took the initiative and the responsibility to form a draft statute and coordinate the procedures for the creation of the new Society. And so it was.
The necessity of the existence of HSGTRM
The creation of the new Society is a fact! HSGTRM came to meet real needs and to express existing scientific strengths in our country. Research groups have already developed in the Greek area, which are constantly indulging in cell and gene manipulations with the ultimate goal of treating diseases or regenerating tissues and organs and restoring damaged functions.
The majority of them are involved in basic research or preclinical and clinical level in the fields of cell and gene therapy. The research in regenerative medicine is smaller. Cell therapy methods are excessively used at a clinical level in allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplants (lymphocyte infusions, etc.).

A wide range of scientific fields
Scientists working in the fields of gene /cell therapy and regenerative medicine come from different fields and specialties. No primary scientific society covers all the activities and scientists of these fields. Therefore none can express and promote their particular scientific interests as a whole.
There are some who promote regenerative medicine misleadingly and unethically to increase their incomes, taking advantage of the ignorance of the citizens and the inaction of the competent authorities and bodies. Their activity confuses the aims and means of the very promising regenerative medicine and discredits it, making the work of researchers more difficult.
History of the creation of HSGTRM
Discussions about the need to create a Gene and Cell therapy Society have been held in the past, mainly between hematologists involved in Gene therapy and biologists collaborating with hematologists (G. Stamatogiannopoulos, A. Athanasiadou, N. Anagnou, G. Vassilopoulos, E. Yannaki and A. Anagnostopoulos). They did not proceed to an implementation stage.
In the autumn of 2013, Achilles Anagnostopoulos took the initiative and the responsibility to form a draft statute and coordinate the procedures for the creation of the new Society. And so it was. The draft statute of the new Society included ideas from other foreign societies and the Hellenic Blood Society. In the new statute, modernizing elements have been introduced in the administration and in the election of the bodies, with the aim of maximizing participation and improving its functionality and performance. A wide and fruitful dialogue was maturely conducted online, in which the founding members participated. In the end, the synthesis of the different opinions was achieved and a functional statute emerged, a tool for progress, cooperation and promotion of the Greek scientific groups and their work. The experience of George Stamatoyannopoulos helped in key aspects of the statute and in critical points of the debate. In general there was concurrence and enthusiasm at all stages of the dialogue.
The Founding Assembly took place in Volos on June 29, 2014. The body approved the statute and elected the interim Steering Committee unanimously.

Interim Steering Committee
The Interim Steering Committee was tasked with submitting to the first instance court the necessary documents for the approval of the statute and the recognition of the Society. After the legal recognition of the Society, he enrolled members and supervised the electoral process and the election of the Board of Directors.
Its members are:
Athanasiadou Aglaia
Anagnou Nicholas
Anagnostopoulos Achilles
Vassilopoulos George
Goussetis Evgenios
Baltadakis Ioannis
Spyridonidis Alexandros
Founding members
Athanasiadou Aglaia
Anagnou Nicholas
Anagnostopoulos Achilles
Apostolidis Ioannis
Vassilopoulos George
Yannaki Evangelia
Giannakopoulos Aristeidis
Gigantes Stavros
Goussetis Evgenios
Grafakos Stelios
Karakasis Dimitrios
Constantinou Varnavas
Mallouri Despina
Baltadakis Ioannis
Batsis Ioannis
Papayiannopoulou Thalia
Papadopoulou Anastia
Papanikolaou Eleni
Papapetrou Eirini
Pouli Anastasia
Roubelakis Maria
Sakellari Ioanna
Siapati Elena
Smias Christos
Spyridonidis Alexandros
Stamatoyannopoulos George
Sotiropoulos Damianos
Stavrou Eleana
Tsatalas Constantinos
Tsirigotis Panagiotis
Harhalakis Nikolaos

Board elections
The first elections for the selection of the bodies of the HSGTRM were held by letter in May 2015. On June 8, 2015 the Board of Directors met as follows:
President: Achilles Anagnostopoulos
Deputy President: Nicholas Anagnou
Secretary General: Aglaia Athanasiadou
Treasurer: George Vassilopoulos
Special Secretary: Alexandros Spyridonidis
Members: Evangelia Yannaki, Evgenios Goussetis

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